MY PHOTO PROJECTS - Past and Present
Together 40+ - I am currently looking for couples (all demographics) who have been together for 40 years or more who would like to participate in this project.

It is difficult to find people who have been together for 40 or more years. Maybe they can share their secret to success with others. I am now working on finding people (heterosexual, gay, lesbian, transgender) who have lived together and/or been married to one another for 40 or more years. I ask them to identify the one word that has been the glue that has held them together. They must do this independently of one another. Then they can explain their word choice in a short paragraph. After that, we get together to take a portrait. If you or someone you know qualify for this special project, please contact me.

365 Gifts
I entered my 8th decade in December 2014. Years ago, when I turned 30, I saw this as an important time in my life and responded by going solo skydiving, trying hang gliding and buying a motorcycle. When I turned 70, somehow this too seemed to be an important year. To celebrate my new decade, every day I write about a gift the day brings to me and illustrate it with my photo. Some titles to whet your curiosity include: Ataraxy and More, Puggle Lesson, What is a Life Worth, Eroticism, Rainbow in the Black, Wildlife Porn, The Other Side of Certainty, Copulation and Cornholes, Post Secrets, Penises and Cupcakes and The Tilt of Light. Join me on this 365 journey!
I entered my 8th decade in December 2014. Years ago, when I turned 30, I saw this as an important time in my life and responded by going solo skydiving, trying hang gliding and buying a motorcycle. When I turned 70, somehow this too seemed to be an important year. To celebrate my new decade, every day I write about a gift the day brings to me and illustrate it with my photo. Some titles to whet your curiosity include: Ataraxy and More, Puggle Lesson, What is a Life Worth, Eroticism, Rainbow in the Black, Wildlife Porn, The Other Side of Certainty, Copulation and Cornholes, Post Secrets, Penises and Cupcakes and The Tilt of Light. Join me on this 365 journey!
Defining Ourselves

Defining Ourselves: I asked nearly 100 people, from 15 countries, ages 4-100 to answer the question, "How do you define yourself?" They had to answer in one sentence beginning with the words "I am..." After they did this, we arranged for me to take a collaborative portrait that would illustrate their self-definition. click on the image to the left to see their responses. Read the exhibit gallery talk here. (All images © Bonnie J. Schupp,)
"In order to appreciate the past, live in the moment and approach the future, we must have an understanding of who we are.
In order to connect with our world--our environment, other people and our own spirits--we have to examine ourselves at our core. If we are unable to wrap ourselves around our own self-definition, then our lives and connections fall short of what is possible." Bonnie Schupp
"In order to appreciate the past, live in the moment and approach the future, we must have an understanding of who we are.
In order to connect with our world--our environment, other people and our own spirits--we have to examine ourselves at our core. If we are unable to wrap ourselves around our own self-definition, then our lives and connections fall short of what is possible." Bonnie Schupp
The Light Ekphrastic
'The Light Ekphrastic pairs visual artists with poets: I was honored to be published in this excellent online publication, 2016 and 2019. It was exciting to see my art so big on a Charles Street LED billboard. The LED Billboard in Baltimore |
The Baltimore Love Project
![]() My image,The Love Effect, is based on the concept of “the butterfly effect” where a small change in one place can result in differences somewhere else. This is the heart of the Baltimore Love Project. On August 23, 2012 at the One Love exhibit at the Creative Alliance, ten of these prints were sold to raise funds for the remaining walls to be painted around Baltimore.
The Baltimore Love Project documentary is here. I appear somewhere around 3:20. |
Dog Tag Poetry

For my birthday, my friend Shirley Brewer gave me a box full of dog tags, each with a different word imprinted on it. I embarked on a new project January 1, 2011. Each day I randomly picked one, photographed it and wrote a haiku. This was my daily challenge for the whole year. All images © Bonnie J. Schupp, (For information about the creator of Poetry Dog Tags, Clare Ultimo, go to this web site:
No View

For a month I shot from the hip, over the shoulder and any way but never looking through the viewfinder. If these images exude a dream-like, stream-of-consciousness quality, it is because they were taken on a subliminal level without the use of the camera's viewfinder. As a result, new visual relationships evolved. The paradox? By not looking, I could see more. This technique enabled the unexpected. As a result, the images take on a life of their own. Each image has its own story. The real story doesn't matter. The story is open to interpretation and depends on what you, the viewer, bring to the vision. PowerPoint
Inside Out Project - Baltimore

Fleet & President Sts., Building photo by Kristin Stith.
The installation, Inside Out Baltimore, was located on the south side of Fleet Street between S. Exeter and President Streets (formal address: 650 S. Exeter Street). Hurricane Sandy helped take the exhibit down before we had planned.
The story behind the wall portraits: INSIDE OUT is a large-scale participatory art project that transforms messages of personal identity into pieces of artistic work. Internationally renowned Ted Prize photographer JR challenged people around the globe to share their story through large scale portraits pasted in public places. He commissioned groups of people to take action and share an idea in coordinated effort. A small group of Baltimoreans--Scott Burkholder, Deborah Patterson, Mike Brenner, Kristin Stith (photographer) and me, Bonnie Schupp (photographer) have been working on a project to bring the people of Baltimore together through our commonalities rather than our differences.
INSIDE OUT BALTIMORE: Segregation is a critical issue in Baltimore. Despite being 40 plus years beyond the civil rights movement, our city is still struggling to connect across racial boundaries. In an effort to disarm the topic, our effort will take portraits of 50 people from across the spectrum of Baltimore and ask them what is your favorite color? A simple, yet personal question. We will then install the portraits of people who have the same favorite color in groups. (This group likes green, this one yellow, this one blue.) Our statement: We may be different on the surface, but there are deeper things, as simple as a color, that unite us!
To find out more information about the general project please visit the Inside Out Project website (listed above) or you can hear JR's recent TED talk ( look for JR or
The story behind the wall portraits: INSIDE OUT is a large-scale participatory art project that transforms messages of personal identity into pieces of artistic work. Internationally renowned Ted Prize photographer JR challenged people around the globe to share their story through large scale portraits pasted in public places. He commissioned groups of people to take action and share an idea in coordinated effort. A small group of Baltimoreans--Scott Burkholder, Deborah Patterson, Mike Brenner, Kristin Stith (photographer) and me, Bonnie Schupp (photographer) have been working on a project to bring the people of Baltimore together through our commonalities rather than our differences.
INSIDE OUT BALTIMORE: Segregation is a critical issue in Baltimore. Despite being 40 plus years beyond the civil rights movement, our city is still struggling to connect across racial boundaries. In an effort to disarm the topic, our effort will take portraits of 50 people from across the spectrum of Baltimore and ask them what is your favorite color? A simple, yet personal question. We will then install the portraits of people who have the same favorite color in groups. (This group likes green, this one yellow, this one blue.) Our statement: We may be different on the surface, but there are deeper things, as simple as a color, that unite us!
To find out more information about the general project please visit the Inside Out Project website (listed above) or you can hear JR's recent TED talk ( look for JR or